Write for Us
Calling all guest bloggers! Are you looking to submit your guest post or write for our SEO blog? Great! We would love to have you.
Please just follow the below guidelines:
- All content must be 100% unique.
- You must include a picture of some sort but give credit where credit is due if it’s not yours.
- Must be on topic with SEO or content marketing.
- As many links as you want as long as it supports the article. In addition to your link, please link to other sites too.
- No length recommendation, but it better not be a bunch of BS.
- Include an “About the Author” section and please include a rel=author tag for your G+ page.
- We don’t accept all articles, and we will not charge you to post so please just submit something worthwhile.
- Please submit your article in a Word or Notepad file.
- We expect you to share, tweet and respond to any comments on your article.
- Please submit your article to writers(at)guestblogposter(dot)com. Don’t worry, we check this account everyday.