Our Team

Kevin W. Phelps – Owner
About:Kevin founded GuestBlogPoster in May of 2012 after working for SEO.com (2010-2012) and OrangeSoda (2007-2010). He grew up in Pleasant Grove, Utah and has lived in Utah Valley the majority of his life. Cars, motorcycles, and basically anything else with a motor is something he is an avid fan of. Marathons and gyms; not so much.
Fun Fact:When Kevin was 13 in Jr. High, he was modifying fireworks that accidentally lead to a bomb scare that was on the news. Needless to say, he now leaves the pyrotecnics to the professionals.
Favorite TV Shows:Breaking Bad, Arrested Development, Workaholics, The Daily Show with Jon Stewart

Dan Vera – Senior Content Manager
About:Dan started working at GuestBlogPoster in January 2013. He’s currently working as a Senior Content Manager. He graduated in Communications from BYU-Idaho in 2012. Before joining GuestBlogPoster, he worked as the Communications Director for Hencil (2012) and a Copy Editor for a professor at BYU-Idaho (2012). He’s an avid guitarist and loves to golf.
Fun Fact:Favorite TV Shows:
Parks and Rec, Arrested Development, Community, Modern Family, The Colbert Report

Tanya Johnson – Senior Content Manager
About:Tanya is a born and raised Utahn, who came to work for Guest Blog Poster in October of 2012, back when the company was about 4 people large. She has a knack for anything political, and is never scared to voice her opinion, which is precisely why she’s planning on attending a university in the near future to expand on her passion for arguing. It is her dream to move to the north western part of the US, where the sun is scarce, and the men are bearded.
Fun Fact:Though Tanya has many, many talents, she has probably wowed more audiences with her Arnold Schwarzenegger impression, her knack for exactly reciting movie lines, or her vast knowledge of anything to do with the cosmos.
Favorite TV Shows:Doctor Who, Arrested Development, The Daily Show, Game of Thrones, Breaking Bad

Adam Young – Account Executive
About:Adam began working at GuestBlogPoster in June 2013. Originally from Southern California, Adam has lived in Utah for six years and been happily married to his wife for five. He has one daughter who keeps is life busy and entertained. Adam graduated in 2013 from Utah Valley University with a Bachelor’s in Marketing and a minor in Business Management. He enjoys fishing, hunting, golfing, boating, cars, and being outside.
Fun Fact:When Adam was just two years old his older brother accidentally cut his finger off in a “pull-out” couch bed. Luckily his mom was quick thinking, got that puppy on ice and the doctor sewed it back on.
Favorite TV Shows:Breaking Bad, Modern Family, Arrested Development, Sons Of Anarchy

Amanda Barnes – Content Manager
About:Amanda is from southern California and has lived in Utah since 2010. She graduated from BYU-Idaho in 2010 with a degree in Communications. She loves anything outdoors and has recently started canyoneering. She is also a photographer and especially enjoys travel photography.
Fun Fact:Amanda danced to the song “Kung Fu Fighting” in front of hundreds of people in China as part of a school performance. The choreography was from none other than the game “Just Dance” for the Wii. Even the city officials came to watch – no big deal.
Favorite TV Shows:Psych, America’s Funniest Home Videos, Arrested Development

Anthony Christensen – Content Manager
About:Anthony graduated from UVU with a B.A. in English in the winter of 2012. While at UVU, he presented essays at two national conventions, and worked his way up a student journal staff over six semesters until becoming Editor-In-Chief. Twice he has had poetry published, once placing third. He loves the arts, including music, literature, and the visual arts. He is also a commited outdoorsman, frequenting the expansive and varied Utah wilderness as often as possible. If you need a camp fire started, he’s your man.
Fun Fact:A bit over-enthusiastic in nature, he has injured himself playing basketball more than once, including an ACL tear. Oftentimes the composition of his body does not match the zeal of his spirit. He has since retired from basketball (but not hiking, or backpacking, or jogging, or biking)
Favorite TV Shows:NBA, Anime, History Channel

Dara Hill – Content Manager
About:Dara Hill was born and raised in Oregon and loves it more then life itself. She also graduated from BYU Idaho. She’s written for the Wall Street Journal (but only angry letters to the Editor), Highlights Magazine (yes, you all know what it is because you kept the stickers from it when you were 8), and she keeps a journal. #awwww She loves going to concerts—any concert, anywhere (except the Saltair). So if you’re into music, you should probably shoot her an email. But don’t bother unless you look like Chris Hemsworth. Thanks guys.
Fun Fact:Dara has a freckle on her lip. This is also known as a beauty mark. Chris Hemsworth, are you reading this yet? #marriage
Favorite TV Shows:The Bachlorette, Parks and Recreation, Arrested Development, New Girl, Doctor Who, The Big Bang Theory

Jason Gibbons – Content Manager
About:Jason can only be described in the same way that Winston Churchill described the intentions of Russia circa WWII; “…a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma.” To even attempt to unravel such a knot would be fruitless. However, one thing I can tell you for certain is that Jason has 3 great loves. 1. His family, including the love of his life and two amazing and beautiful children. 2. Books 3. Music, for in the lovely words of Nietzche “Without music, life would be a mistake.”
Fun Fact:Jason first learned to operate an automobile when he was 10, living on a farm in Boulder, UT. In addition to being a rancher, his dad also acted as the town bus driver. Every day after school they’d drop the other dozen or so school kids at their stops and head home, where Jason would climb out of the bus and into a gold-colored Oldsmobile to follow his dad the 3 or so miles to return the bus.
Favorite TV Shows:The Daily Show, Colbert, Breaking Bad, Malcolm in the Middle, Parks and Recreation, Football whenever someone interesting is playing, Arrested Development, The Office, The Simpsons, Curb Your Enthusiasm

Kendall George – Content Manager
About:Kendall was hired on at Guest Blog Poster in December 2012 as a content manager but quickly became the senior office desk and chair builder as well and the handyman.
Fun Fact:Kendall provides for a personal zoo of animals including 4 salamanders, a bunch of fish, too many cats and a conure.
Favorite TV Shows:Workaholics, Archer, The Venture Bros, Breaking Bad, Game of Thrones.

Kyla Oaks – Content Manager
About:Kyla began working at GuestBlogPoster in February 2013. She grew up in Alpine, Utah and loves movies, traveling, hiking, dancing, spending time with family, and has a big sweet tooth. Kyla is married to a comic book artist who is working toward getting a job at Marvel Comics. SEO has been a fun adventure for her and is enjoying learning the industry.
Fun Fact:Killed her pet hamster by putting an elastic around its neck so she would know which one was hers. She then tried to save it by doing CPR.
Favorite TV Shows:The Big Bang Theory, The Ellen DeGeneres Show, The Bachelor/Bachelorette

Lindsay Gough – Content Manager
About:Lindsay graduated from BYU-Idaho in 2011 with a B.A. in English and a minor in Political Science. After a short stint teaching English in China and doing a little SEO work on the side, she moved to Utah and started working for GuestBlogPoster. She is originally from Lincoln’s own Springfield, Illinois and knows an unhealthy amount of facts about the former president.
Fun Fact:Favorite TV Shows:
Portlandia, The Good Wife, Arrested Development

McKenzie Livingston – Content Manager
About:McKenzie Livingston graduated from BYU-I without a ring on her finger. But she DID get a degree in English because she loves the smell of books, and she’s not even sorry. In college, she spent her days and nights in the library writing numerous papers; so many papers, in fact, that the Sierra Club started to come to her door and have serious conversations with her about killing the rainforest. She also tutored international students on proper English use, like how and when to say “swagger.” She now has her own blog, which is a great thing to read if it’s after midnight, you just drank a little too much Kool-Aid, and you enjoy googling “space cats” in your spare time.
Fun Fact:McKenzie likes Mexican food more than most Mexicans do. She can play the harmonica. She once took a nap on top of an ancient pyramid. She can’t do a cartwheel. This sad fact keeps her up at night.
Favorite TV Shows:The Office, New Girl, Parks and Recreation, any infomercial that’s on late at night and involves someone being crushed by their un-organized Tupperware and then exclaiming in exasperation,”Is nothing easy?!”

Megan Fotheringham – Content Manager
About:Megan was born and raised in Utah and graduated this year from Westminster College with a degree in history. She has worked with both frozen yogurt and children before coming to GuestBlogPoster. She loves to garden, mountain bike, run, Irish dance and compuslively organize. Her favorite places to visit are cemeteries and other historical sites around the Salt Lake Valley.
Fun Fact:Megan has been Irish dancing for ten years and teaching it at her local school for about four years.
Favorite TV Shows:Portlandia, Arrested Development, Seinfeld, A Bit of Fry and Laurie, and The IT Crowd

Michael Marsh – Content Manager
About:Michael is currently attending Utah Valley University part-time and working full-time at GuestBlogPoster.com. He has been in the SEO industry for over a year, working with various clients. Michael is born and raised in Utah and can be found on the ski slopes in the winter and cracking jokes in the summer. He coaches lacrosse for a local high school and has played or been involved with the lacrosse community for over 10 years.
Fun Fact:Michael has missing teeth that he can use to scare anyone at any time and at any place…
Favorite TV Shows:Arrested Development, Parks and Recreation, Historical Documentaries

Russell Cragun – Content Manager
About:Russell has been working at Guest Blog Poster since December 2012. He first got into SEO while working at Boostability as an Account Manager (2011-2012) and is currently studying Marketing and Computer Science at UVU. Russell grew up in Appleton, Wisconsin and moved to Utah back in 2007. He loves anything to do with the outdoors and sports while cheering for the Packers and Badgers.
Fun Fact:When Russell was in High School he was attacked by a flock of Geese and since then has been terrified of them.
Favorite TV Shows:Arrested Development, It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia, Seinfeld and Breaking Bad

Sara Hall – Content Manager
About:Sara Hall began working at GuestBlogPoster in April 2013. Originally from Sheboygan (pronounced shu-BOY-GUN), Wisconsin, she moved to Utah in 2009 when she began attending Brigham Young University. Sara graduated from BYU in April 2013 with a BA in Communications. In addition to her normal GBP work, Sara assists with the company’s social media efforts. Sara loves anything to do with music, public relations and current events. In her free time, Sara enjoys playing her trumpet, reading the news and spending time with her husband, Phillip.
Fun Fact:Sara worked at Walt Disney World for the summer of 2010. Due to her experiences, she can put many Disney fans to shame with her Disney knowledge.
Favorite TV Shows:Law & Order: SVU, The Office, Modern Family

Scott Beckstead – Content Manager
About:Originally from Salt Lake City, Scott Beckstead began working with GuestBlogPoster in September 2012 and was employee numero uno. Prior to working at GuestBlogPoster he worked as a freelance copywriter, developing web content, sales pages, press releases and other copy. Away from work he enjoys spending time with his son, exercising and traveling.
Fun Fact:While he may be the “old man” of the office, Scott is highly competitive when it comes to sports and can lay the smack down on the foosball table.
Favorite TV Shows:Cheers, Married With Children, Iron Chef, True Crime

Sierra Patterson – Content Manager
About:Originally from Salt Lake City, Sierra came to GuestBlogPoster in August of 2013. She is currently studying Public Relations and minoring in Marketing at Utah Valley University and has dreams about graduation nightly. Sierra was married in the summer of 2013 and enjoys giggling and ketchup fights with her husband. Like any intelligent American, she enjoys vacations, espn, Dr. Pepper with coconut, and any movie made before 1990.
Fun Fact:Sierra has an intense obsession with animals that she has been struggling with for about 22 years. She waits for the day when someone is finally smart enough to breed a puppy and a bunny. Come on, a puppybunny – how cute would that be?
Favorite TV Shows:The Voice, Americas Funniest Home Videos, Saturday Night Live

Spencer Durrant – Content Manager
About:Spencer graduated from Payson High School in May 2013, and is a crazed sports fan. He’s been writing about sports for the past 2 years, getting published in Prep’s Game Day Magazine, the Deseret News, and KSL.com. He recently got an internship as a feature writer for the Utah Jazz for the 2013-14 NBA season. He’s a ski bum in the winter, a fishing bum the rest of the year, and a lover of Mountain Dew and classical music.
Fun Fact:When Spencer was 15, he and his best friend built the greatest clubhose known to mankind in his best friend’s backyard, a two story shack with a living room, dining room, lounge, kitchen, attic, bedroom, and electricity. Needless to say, the presence of the clubhousoe significantly upped the resale value of his friend’s house.
Favorite TV Shows:The Walking Dead, House MD, River Monsters

Tom Sumrak – Content Manager
About:Tom was raised in the tiny country town of Smithfield, Virginia. He did everything from Drama Club to being captain of the school’s soccer team before beginning his adventure in Utah, where he decided to become a recluse that only played World of Warcraft. After returning from a mission in France, he decided to get his life together and actually started going to class. Years later, Tom had graduated from BYU with degrees in Political Science and French. He also had gotten married during this time to a beautiful Nordic photographer from Finland. He has a cute little three month old daughter, which consumes most of his time. If he is not changing diapers, you can find Tom hiking, swimming, writing, reading, or shooting.
Fun Fact:Tom went to the same school from kindergarten until he graduated from high school. There was never more than 500 students and his graduating class had a grand total of 35 people.
Favorite TV Shows:The Walking Dead, How I Met Your Mother, New Girl, Arrested Development, Man vs Wild (How can you say no to Bear Grylls)

Tyler Anderson – Content Manager
About:Traveling far and wide from the land of Provo, Tyler graduated from Utah Valley University with a B.S in Communication where he had the chance to compete in the Bateman Competition and create a new advertising internship with Riverton Music. With a background in Logistics he has taken his experiences and skills to GuestBlogPoster.com as one of the new recruits. Tyler is a master champion at Fantasy Football and enjoys spending time with the love of his life.
Fun Fact:Tyler is a bigger Celine Dion fan than your mom.
Favorite TV Shows:Sopranos, How I Met Your Mother